
Annual Results 2010

21 Mar 2011

  • Net profit for the period of EUR 26.4 million (+ EUR 25.2 million)
  • >130,000 m² of new leases signed resulting in a committed annualised rent income of EUR 36.6 million (+ EUR 7.4 million)
  • 98.8% occupancy rate for the Group's property portfolio amounts with the Czech portfolio reaching an occupancy rate of 99.4%
  • 31.5% growth in gross rental income (+ EUR 6.8 million) to EUR 28,6 million
  • 5 new projects completed resulting in a 7.7% growth in total lettable area (+ 41,064 m²)to 576,936 m², 6 new projects under construction
  • 43.7% growth in operating result (before result on portfolio) (+ EUR 7.8 million)to EUR 25.5 million
  • Completion of the sale of an 80% interest in 6 of its 19 VGP parks after year-end,announced by the separate press release of 16 March 2011
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